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The SME100 EXPO 2024 conference, titled A New Growth Agenda for SMEs, took place at the Science and Technology Park in Čačak. The event brought together some of Serbia’s most successful small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and other key players from the SME ecosystem. Now in its third consecutive year, this event is dedicated to highlighting the importance of the SME sector in Serbia. Discussions centered around strategic development challenges and recommendations that could drive faster growth for SMEs. This year’s focus was on guiding stakeholders toward more intensive and efficient development support for the SME sector.

The event was organized by the Center for Advanced Economic Studies (CEVES) and the Science and Technology Park Čačak, with the support of several projects, including The Big SMall Businesses funded by USAID, Green Economy funded by GIZ, and SME Hub funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).

Kori Udovički, Chairwoman of the Board and Chief Economist of CEVES, emphasized the potential of Serbian SMEs, stating, “Serbia has serious family businesses, serious professional ventures that are exporting. Here at SME100, we invite only those who export more than one million euros annually, where exports account for more than 25% of their turnover and where something new is being created. These are companies spread across the country that significantly contribute to the development of their regions, but are often neglected and actually face tougher business conditions than large enterprises because they, first and foremost, pay higher taxes and receive 10 times fewer subsidies. Serbia has serious potential in this segment.”

Mirko Pešić, Acting Director of the Science and Technology Park Čačak, reflected on the contributions of entrepreneurs in the development of the park, noting, “Their support has enabled us to meet and exceed all expectations in a not-so-large city, where the development of such an institution was a major challenge. We are proud of the results achieved – over 100 companies have received support, and all capacities are filled. Additionally, an investment has already been initiated, which will allow the park to triple in size by 2026, creating conditions for a significantly larger number of companies to use our resources daily.”

Swiss Ambassador to Serbia, H.E. Anne Lugon-Moulin, underscored the importance of SMEs for economic growth, saying, “For the Government of Switzerland, small and medium-sized enterprises in Serbia represent the backbone of the economy. They are crucial for the country’s growth and prosperity, which is why we invest in programs such as the SME Hub.” She added that Switzerland also supports Serbia’s vocational education system by connecting technical school students with factory jobs, a model that has proven successful in Switzerland.

Organizatori MSP100 EXPO 2024 su Centar za visoke ekonomske studije (CEVES) i Naučno-tehnološki park Čačak, uz podršku projekata „Velika mala privreda“ koji finansira USAID, Green economy koji finansira GIZ, i SME Hub koji finansira Švajcarska agencija za razvoj i saradnju (SDC).

Naida Zečević-Bean, Director of USAID Serbia’s Office for Democratic and Economic Development, highlighted the challenges facing SMEs, explaining, “Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are the backbone of the business community, driving growth, diversity, and innovation. However, we must also recognize the significant challenges these businesses face. This is why USAID’s The Big Small Businesses project has partnered with CEVES to conduct a detailed study to better understand the realities SMEs are facing, so that together we can more effectively respond to their needs. Our goal in this project is simple – to work alongside CEVES and other partners to strengthen SMEs in Serbia.”

The conference featured panel discussions and thematic sessions, addressing local and global market challenges, the integration of SME sector development into the EU growth plan for the Western Balkans, and the establishment of new development programs. A useful tool in this regard is the SME Compass, a free interactive tool developed by CEVES with the support of USAID, which provides a detailed insight into the sector’s competitiveness and the factors that affect it. Based on concrete analyses and open data, all those involved in activities aimed at SME development can create development strategies and support programs more effectively.

CEVES also presented its annual SME Barometer, which provides insights into the current state of the sector and aims to support policymakers in developing effective strategies.

The event concluded with a financing and support fair, where SME representatives could explore available support programs from banks, insurance companies, and national and international institutions. The SME100 Expo initiative, launched in 2022, aims to amplify the voices of leading SMEs and facilitate their growth. This year’s gathering included over 100 top Serbian SMEs and numerous participants from state institutions, business associations, banks, and the international community, including representatives from USAID, the EBRD, and the Delegation of the European Union to Serbia, as well as the directors of the Development Agency of Serbia, the Innovation Fund, the Development Fund, and the Office for Dual Education and the National Qualifications Framework.