Year of establishment



Novi Sad


Dragan Majkić

Business information




Full-time employees




Turnover (EUR)

1,9 mil

3,3 mil

6,3 mil

Export (EUR)

1,8 mil

3,1 mil

5,8 mil


Production of complex ICT systems, software production, and ERP system production.

Highlight a business move you made in 2023 that you are particularly proud of:

Development of a new framework for the production of future business applications based on the LowCode – No Code principle. This will enable faster, more secure, and higher-quality development of new software products, as well as cheaper and easier maintenance and upgrades.


Germany, Austria, USA, Switzerland, Sweden, Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia

Rank the suggested initiatives as your contribution to the New Growth Agenda for the SME sector based on their importance to your business.

(Please rank the provided responses from 1 to 6, where 1 is the most important to you and 6 is the least important – priorities must not be repeated):

Establishment of a Development Bank: A bank where you could borrow under more favorable conditions.


Tax Credit: The possibility of not paying profit tax on the part of the profit that you reinvest.


Equal Opportunity for All: A business environment that is guaranteed to be predictable and free from corruption.


Independent Development Agency for SMEs: An agency that you could contact to develop support measures tailored to your needs and the needs of the Serbian economy.


Providing Opportunities for Domestic SMEs to Participate in Expo 2027 Projects: Promoting the integration of domestic SMEs into international events such as Expo 2027, increasing their visibility and market opportunities.


Strengthening Support Programs: Improving existing support programs with better targeting and providing technical assistance to ensure SMEs can fully utilize available resources.


If your company had the opportunity to participate in Expo 2027 (either in the preparation of Expo 2027 or at the Expo 2027 event itself), how do you think you could participate?

Software development for programming and supporting activities. Participation in EXPO 2027 to showcase the company’s technical and business potential, provided that booth prices for domestic exhibitors are subsidized.

What improvements and programs would you suggest that you think could contribute to your business and the Serbian economy?

Improving the temporary import regime (for hardware components for which software is being developed). These imports are made for testing the developed software and are returned unchanged, resulting in excessive paperwork and wasted funds. Harmonizing legislation with the real and current situation in the IT sector. Improving intellectual property laws, information security regulations, and labor laws (notice periods) regarding employee layoffs.Training lasts several months, but the employee is only required to stay for 30-45 days. This doesn’t leave enough time for the employer to find and train a new worker, which damages the client and may even lead to contract termination.

Contact person

Mladen Dumanović, HR menager



+381 65 52 78 671