



Founder and owner:
dr Snežana Đorđević

Business data

2022 2019 2016 2011
Full time employees 43 18 18 14
Turnover (EUR) 3,4 mil 1,9 mil 1,8 mil 1,2 mil
Export (EUR) 0,9 mil 384 hilj 346 hilj 75 hilj

Slavol, Amiksol, IUnimax, Slavol VVL


Delta Agrar, Matijević, MK Grupa, Aldahra, Almex

ECOSYSTEM OF SUCCESS (key partners contributing to company success):

Advanto, Sokotim, Institut Torlak

Do you have trouble finding adequate employees?

YES, we have challenges in the areas of warehouse workers, drivers, and production operators.

How do you find good and suitable employees?

Through cooperation with universities and the development of existing employees.

How do you retain good and suitable employees?

Bonuses, advancement opportunities, flexibility regarding personal needs, and interpersonal relationships.

How do you achieve the productivity necessary for success?

Automation and optimization of work processes and, of course, the development of employees.

Has the government taken any actions that have impacted your business in the last 12 months?

YES, An export ban on commodity goods to farmers was imposed in May 2022, negatively affecting investments in further production.


Uroš Đorđević, Executive Director


Phone number:

+381 64 64 67 324