Year of establishment
Gornji Milanovic
Nenad Dmitrović
Business information
Full-time employees
Turnover (EUR)
0,5 mil
1,3 mil
1,2 mil
Export (EUR)
0,4 mil
1,3 mil
1,1 mil
Machines for Printing Sausage and Salami Casings.
Highlight a business move you made in 2023 that you are particularly proud of:
The decision to implement digital tracking of the production process.
EU, North Macedonia, North Africa, Mexico
Rank the suggested initiatives as your contribution to the New Growth Agenda for the SME sector based on their importance to your business.
(Please rank the provided responses from 1 to 6, where 1 is the most important to you and 6 is the least important – priorities must not be repeated):
Establishment of a Development Bank: A bank where you could borrow under more favorable conditions.
Tax Credit: The possibility of not paying profit tax on the part of the profit that you reinvest.
Equal Opportunity for All: A business environment that is guaranteed to be predictable and free from corruption.
Nezavisna razvojna agencija za MSP: Agencija kojoj bi ste bili u mogućnosti da se obratite I razvijate mere podrške koje će odgovarati vašim potrebama I potrebama privrede Srbije.
Strengthening Support Programs: Improving existing support programs with better targeting and providing technical assistance to ensure SMEs can fully utilize available resources.
Pojačavanje programa podrške: Unapređivanje postojećih programa podrške sa boljim ciljanjem i pružanje tehničke pomoći kako bi se osiguralo da MSP mogu u potpunosti da koriste raspoložive resurse.
Ukoliko bi vaše preduzeće dobilo priliku da učestvuje na Expo 2027 (bilo u pripremi Expo 2027 ili na samom Expo 2027 događaju) na koji način smatrate da biste mogli da učestvujete?
The production program of Dmiteh overlaps in some areas with Expo 2027.
Kakva unapređenja i koje pograme biste predložili, a da mislite da bi imali potencijal da doprinesu vašem poslovanju i poslovanju srpske privrede
Nothing specific; a general climate of stability, reliability, and accessibility of institutions always creates a stimulating environment for work and growth.