



Founder and owner:
Miomir i Lovorka Nikolić

Business data

2022 2019 2016 2011
Full time employees 183 190 183 54
Turnover (EUR) 14,7 mil 8,7 mil / /
Export (EUR) 4,7 mil 3,2 mil / /

Propomint spray for adults, Marisol nasal spray, EsenBak probiotic, Magnevital Direct, Altal syrup


Dr Max (Czech Rep.), Lily (Serbia), Remedica (Cyprus)

ECOSYSTEM OF SUCCESS (key partners contributing to company success):

Distributors: Farmalogist, Septima, Farmalogist Allbix, Pontera

Do you have trouble finding adequate employees?


How do you find good and suitable employees?

We improve the knowledge and skills of existing employees, taking into account their development plans, through employee recommendations.

How do you retain good and suitable employees?

Depending on what is important to a specific employee and in which direction they want to develop, we identify their expectations and desires with the company’s needs. For example, if it’s career advancement, we invest in employee development through various training programs that align with the company’s requirements.

How do you achieve the productivity necessary for success?

We continuously improve processes, expand teams, and create new job opportunities. The program “My First Salary” offers young people the opportunity to gain experience and integrate into our culture. We increase the production capacity of medical devices, improve the microbiological laboratory, and optimize work processes.

Has the government taken any actions that have impacted your business in the last 12 months?



Vojin Nikolić, Marketing director, research and development


Phone number:

+381 64 82 023 94