Year of establishment
Established as an LLC under this name in 1992, the business began in 1974
Mile Gogic and Nikola Gogic; Slobodan and Goran Gogić
Business information
Full-time employees
Turnover (EUR)
12,6 mil
29,1 mil
31,7 mil
Export (EUR)
9,5 mil
23,9 mil
24,8 mil
More than 90% of revenue comes from plastic waste disposal containers – 2-wheel bins (60L/80L/120L/140L/240L/360L), 4-wheel containers (660L/770L/1100L flat lid/1100L semi-circular lid), and many other types of waste disposal containers. In addition, the company offers a sports program, including stadium chairs, multifunctional mats, and plastic bins for fruit storage ranging from 110L to 1000L, among others.
Highlight a business move you made in 2023 that you are particularly proud of:
In January 2023, the most advanced large injection molding machine in Europe, the Engel Duo 5500 tons clamping force model, was put into operation, along with a new mold for the 1100L flat lid container, type Urban. Since then, this container has been recognized among the world’s top products for its design, functionality, and competitive pricing. In the same year, with the involvement of this product, excellent results were achieved in new markets: Spain, Portugal, UAE, and for the first time, shipments began to exotic destinations like the Dominican Republic, Tahiti, Mayotte, Reunion, etc.
Exports to over 70 countries worldwide: Poland, Italy, Romania, Germany, Spain, Croatia, Portugal, Bulgaria, Russia, Czech Republic, UAE, Argentina, Uruguay, Singapore, and more
Rank the suggested initiatives as your contribution to the New Growth Agenda for the SME sector based on their importance to your business.
(Please rank the provided responses from 1 to 6, where 1 is the most important to you and 6 is the least important – priorities must not be repeated):
Establishment of a Development Bank: A bank where you could borrow under more favorable conditions.
Tax Credit: The possibility of not paying profit tax on the part of the profit that you reinvest.
Equal Opportunity for All: A business environment that is guaranteed to be predictable and free from corruption.
Independent Development Agency for SMEs: An agency that you could contact to develop support measures tailored to your needs and the needs of the Serbian economy.
Providing Opportunities for Domestic SMEs to Participate in Expo 2027 Projects: Promoting the integration of domestic SMEs into international events such as Expo 2027, increasing their visibility and market opportunities.
Strengthening Support Programs: Improving existing support programs with better targeting and providing technical assistance to ensure SMEs can fully utilize available resources.
If your company had the opportunity to participate in Expo 2027 (either in the preparation of Expo 2027 or at the Expo 2027 event itself), how do you think you could participate?
Plastik Gogić can provide waste disposal containers tailored to the needs of event organizers. As for showcasing products, this is also an interesting possibility – it is worth considering in what format and scope, given our extensive experience exhibiting at major global trade fairs in our industry: IFAT Munich, Ecomondo Rimini, Pollutec Lyon, Ecowaste Abu Dhabi.
Kakva unapređenja i koje pograme biste predložili, a da mislite da bi imali potencijal da doprinesu vašem poslovanju i poslovanju srpske privrede
Flexible incentive programs for SMEs to acquire equipment and build facilities that recognize the specifics of our industry.
– Incentives for participation in trade fairs, covering a larger portion of the costs for companies exporting over 50% of their production.
– Tax credits for reinvestment.
– Subsidies for the installation of solar power plants.