



Founder and owner:
Slađana Milojević

Business data

2022 2019 2016 2011
Full time employees 9 4 / /
Turnover (EUR) / / / /
Export (EUR) 4300 / / /

Handmade traditional clothing for men, women, and children, Traditional Cultural Fashion, Exclusive souvenirs and gifts from Serbia


Serbian Chamber of Commerce

ECOSYSTEM OF SUCCESS (key partners contributing to company success):

The entire business is based on sustainable practices with minimal electricity, water, and resource consumption. The products are handcrafted in a rural community.

Do you have trouble finding adequate employees?


How do you find good and suitable employees?

Through skill development and training – we are planning to establish an educational academy for handcrafting soon.

How do you retain good and suitable employees?

Women in rural areas are primarily our collaborators, and working with Nonna is their primary source of income in addition to their regular duties in their rural households.

How do you achieve the productivity necessary for success?

Investing in digitalization and continuous training.

Has the government taken any actions that have impacted your business in the last 12 months?

YES, Incentives introduced for start-up companies do not include businesses established in 2018 (the period of the pandemic was detrimental to our survival). We were unable to apply for any public call. An exception is the GIZ support through the Serbian Chamber of Commerce for digitalization, where we received incentives for digitalization.


Slađana Milojević



Phone number:
