



Founder and owner:
Svetlana Miljković

Business data

2022 2019 2016 2011
Full time employees 34 38 45 29
Turnover (EUR) 8,9 mil 4,7 mil 2,5 mil 2,2 mil
Export (EUR) 8,8 mil 3,9 mil 2,3 mil 2,2 mil

Frozen apricots, Frozen blackberries, Frozen sour cherries, Frozen strawberries, Homemade ajvar


Mercator S, Moć Prirode Komerc, Zlatiborski delikatesi

ECOSYSTEM OF SUCCESS (key partners contributing to company success):

For us the most important partners are agricultural producers, suppliers of fresh fruit, and company employees.

Do you have trouble finding adequate employees?

YES, This is currently the biggest problem in Serbia. Not only finding suitable employees, but finding any employees.

How do you find good and suitable employees?

Mostly through online job advertisements, but we haven’t had great experiences with this.

How do you retain good and suitable employees?

Regular salaries, annual bonuses, suitable working conditions, opportunities for advancement, external training.

How do you achieve the productivity necessary for success?

Optimizing work processes and adapting to industry trends.

Has the government taken any actions that have impacted your business in the last 12 months?



Nemanja Miljković, Export director



Phone number:

+381 63 334 344