



Founder and owner:
Aleksandar Blažić, Branislav Stojnić, Dejan Stojnić

Business data

2022 2019 2016 2011
Full time employees 90 78 73 49
Turnover (EUR) 8,2 mil 3,8 mil 2,7 mil 1,9 mil
Export (EUR) 7,0 mil 2,7 mil 2,1 mil 0,9 mil

Solid fuel stoves and fireplaces, Solid fuel stoves with boilers (central heating stoves), Pellet boilers, Household metal products, Pellet stoves


Globe Trade Italy srl, Higher Monika Godlewska, HECHT MOTORS s.r.o, Metalac Market, Uradi Sam, Tehnomedia Centar

ECOSYSTEM OF SUCCESS (key partners contributing to company success):

Kondor d.o.o, Rembrandtin Coatings Gmbh, Roka Refractory, Solfins Beograd

Do you have trouble finding adequate employees?

Yes, The number of qualified personnel in the market is decreasing year by year. Despite the good working conditions we offer, there has been significant employee turnover in recent years.

How do you find good and suitable employees?

Careful selection of available local talent combined with the improvement of skills and additional training of existing workers. In the past 2 years,
we have also established cooperation with a technical school (dual education), although not all programs they offer are essential for our production.

How do you retain good and suitable employees?

Higher salaries compared to the local average. Opportunities for continuous improvement for career advancement (English, robotics, CNC machine operation and programming, material surface protection, business digitization systems, management). Traveling abroad (trade shows, client visits, visits to important markets).

How do you achieve the productivity necessary for success?

With continuous improvement of products and production technology, enhancement of production cycle monitoring (control and reporting), periodic purchase of new machinery and equipment, digitization of all business processes, process automation in production where feasible (e.g., welding).

Has the government taken any actions that have impacted your business in the last 12 months?

YES. Development Fund – Entrepreneurship development through development projects.


Dejan Stojnić, Business developer manager


Phone number:

+381 64 86 83 626