



Founder and owner:
Darko Tasovac (CEO), Veljko Mihajlović, Veselin Branković

Business data

2022 2019 2016 2011
Full time employees 180 110 15 /
Turnover (EUR) 9,0 mil 3,5 mil 750 hilj /
Export (EUR) 9,0 mil 3,4 mil 650 hilj /

Radar sensors for detecting the presence and movement of people, target industries are automotive lighting, smart homes, Radar sensors for detecting passengers in vehicles, Radar sensors for detecting and tracking people in the machinery and robotics industry, analog and digital chip design, Embedded systems


All our clients are foreign premium Tier 1 companies (direct suppliers for the final product) as well as OEM companies in the automotive, machinery, IoT industry, and robotics. Due to confidentiality agreements, we do not disclose a list with names.

ECOSYSTEM OF SUCCESS (key partners contributing to company success):

Educational system, ETF, FTN, Faculty of Electronic Engineering in Niš

Do you have trouble finding adequate employees?

Yes, The market is quite competitive, and we sometimes face challenges finding specific engineering profiles, for example, seniors who think systemically and have experience in a similar industry.

How do you find good and suitable employees?

Headhunting, recruitment, specialized job fairs, returnee programs, internal development, and investment in employees.

How do you retain good and suitable employees?

We have many challenging projects that allow employees to technically enhance and upgrade their knowledge. Our employees have a lot of flexibility in their work, and we invest in their personal development.

How do you achieve the productivity necessary for success?

Through continuous process improvement, use of the latest project management tools.

Has the government taken any actions that have impacted your business in the last 12 months?



Jure Galić, Chief Business Development and Marketing Officer


Kontakt telefon:

+381 64 11 85 269