Prefabrication and assembly of steel tanks, Prefabrication and assembly of steel pipelines, Prefabrication and assembly of load-bearing steel structures in construction, Installation and assembly of industrial equipment in oil and gas processing plants, Repair of steel structures
Founder and owner:
Ostoja Ćuković, Goran Ćuković, Ivan Ćuković
Business data
2022 | 2019 | 2016 | 2011 | |
Full time employees | 290 | 276 | 458 | 227 |
Turnover (EUR) | 25,7 mil | 9,3 mil | 16,3 mil | 4,7 mil |
Export (EUR) | 11,1 mil | 5,5 mil | 14,9 mil | 4,3 mil |
Republic Directorate for Commodity Reserves, Adriatic Tank Terminals, Velestroi Moskva
ECOSYSTEM OF SUCCESS (key partners contributing to company success):
Metaling, Duferco, Wurth, Messer Tehnogas, Sab d.o.o., Milšped
Do you have trouble finding adequate employees?
Yes, There are problems in finding domestic labor on the market (welders, metalworkers – assemblers).
How do you find good and suitable employees?
Import of labor force, training of unqualified personnel.
How do you retain good and suitable employees?
Continuous wage growth, bonuses, continuous improvement of working conditions.
How do you achieve the productivity necessary for success?
Improving work technology, modernizing equipment, monitoring performance and control.
Has the government taken any actions that have impacted your business in the last 12 months?